The next time you reach for the salt and pepper shakers to add a bit of extra flavor to your dinner, consider this: The shape of the shakers you’re using is likely part of a long and storied history of shakers, dating back to 18th century England.
Some collectors out there may be familiar with a bit of the more popular styles of vintage salt and pepper shakers, like those shaped like little kittens or chickens. Salt and pepper shakers actually became rather more “kitschy” in the 1900s in England with the invention of the movies. During this time period, many potteries began to produce shakers that mirrored the famous characters that people met on the silver screen as well as famous Cricket players.
At the same time in the United States, salt and pepper shakers had clean, simple patterns, often black and white, with metal lids and simple, painted designs. At this time, the lids were also drilled with a different number of holes; as few as one for pepper and many for salt.
A number of very popular collectors’ items were produced during World War II-era America. A company named McCoy made shakers that looked like different kinds of vegetables, Enesco produced shakers in the form animals, like snails and mice, and Napco became famous for Miss Cutie Pie, a character featured on shakers in the shape of a sweet smiling face.
As you can see, you might think you’re just sprinkling some salt on your salad, but you’re actually touching a bit of history. Whether you have an extensive collection of vintage salt and pepper shakers, or just a few sets, your collection could be worth more than you know.
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