Collectible Comic Books; which are Worth What

collectible magazinesComic book collecting is an American collector’s favorite past time. But honestly, most old comic books aren’t worth much. But even in subpar condition- when sold in collections- you could always find the right buyer. But just like every type of collecting, there is exceptional items worth a bit more than the typical counterpart.



Know what to look for, obviously, will prevent you from making a major mistake and tossing the wrong items. It could even make you serious money, especially if they were released between the 1930’s and 50’s. Take for example the first issue of Action Comics featuring Superman. In the unlikely event you find this laying around in your attic, you are an instant millionaire. That’s because a copy of this comic just sold for over $3million.



Less lofty dreams of fetching a pretty penny for a collectible comic book are, however, are well within the realm of possibility. There are plenty of more realistic issues that could make you closer to the $100-$400K range. Flash Comics, Issue #1, which introduced The Flash, could get you a handsome $280K, while the first Batman can get you about $350K. These prices are of course dependent on condition and authenticity.



When dealing with comic books, there are quite a few valuable prints you should keep an eye out for. So getting a professional opinion before tossing that crate of old comics in the attic is highly advisable. Otherwise you could be sending potentially thousands of dollars to the landfill.